Mr. Men Little Miss & Haliborange put a book in every child’s hand

A Mr. Men Bookmobile will be travelling across the UK this summer to give away 10,000 books and encourage more reading opportunities for children of all backgrounds. Appearances will be made in London, Peterborough, Manchester, Nottingham, and Bradford from 28th August to 1st September, just before school starts. The five-day tour has been organized by Mr. Men Little Miss and the UK’s number one kids vitamins brand, Haliborange, giving away free books and vitamins. The event aims to support children’s reading and cognitive development and help parents and children spend more time reading over the summer holidays.

Following revealing research about children’s reading habits and its impact on happiness and wellbeing, the five-day book tour aims to reach children across the UK, creating reading opportunities and encouraging more reading outside of school. Research from National Literacy Trust has shown that:

  • 78.2% of children in the UK don’t read with someone at home
  • Yet, those who do read at home feel happier (45.4%) and calm (48.7%)
  • Those who say that they read with someone at home are more likely to say that they enjoy reading, more so than those who say that they don’t (65.3% vs. 51.0%)
  • Currently, only 6 children in 10 say that they enjoy reading

With help from Rochelle Humes at the event in London, families and children are invited to come along and pick up their free Mr. Men book and vitamin samples throughout the five-day tour. There will also be the chance to meet a 3D life-size Mr. Strong, who can be brought to life using AR technology.

The tour will run between 28th August and 1st September this summer at the following dates and locations:

  • Tuesday 28th August: London (South Bank) – from 10am
  • Wednesday 29th August: Bradford (Main Square) – from 10am
  • Thursday 30th August: Manchester (St. Peter’s Square) – from 10am
  • Friday 31st August: Nottingham (Speaker’s corner in the Market Square) – from 10am
  • Saturday 1st September: Peterborough (outside the Town Hall) – from 10am

Note: 10,000 books will be given away across all five locations. Book-mobile will move on to its next location once all books are distributed

About Mr Men Little Miss

With a cast of over 90 characters, the Mr Men and Little Misses have brought fun and laughter to generations of families. Currently, one Mr. Men and Little Miss book is sold every 2.5 seconds worldwide, and lifetime sales total 250 million books. Mr. Men Little Miss is published by Egmont

About Haliborange

Haliborange is the UK’s number 1* kids vitamin brand, as trusted by parents.

Haliborange reassures parents that children are topping up their diets with essential vitamins and minerals required to support natural growth and development at every stage – from age one month to teenage years.

Haliborange offers a range of products that contain Omega-3 DHA to support normal brain function and vision,** in great tasting orange flavours that kids love.

*IRI volume data 25-Mar-18

**The beneficial effect for normal brain function and vision is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg DHA.

The research was taken from the National Literacy Trust

– Based on a survey of 1,005 school children

– A survey was carried out between November 2017 and end of January 2018.

The Importance of Children’s Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for central nervous system function, forming red blood cells and turning the food that you eat into energy. We also need vitamin B12 to form DNA(1) and RNA so that we can make new cells and grow, and for the normal function of the immune system(2).

Where do we get B12 from?

Vitamin B12 is available mainly in animal foods. It is also added to some fortified foods such as cereals. Children on vegan and vegetarian diets should be aware that they may be getting too little vitamin B12 from their diets. Dairy products along with eggs are the only vegetarian food items that contain significant levels of B12, whereas vegan children will have to consume foods fortified with B12 (including some plant milks, some soy products and some breakfast cereals), or take a vitamin B12 supplement.

Although the best food sources of vitamin B12 are clams and beef liver, other sources include fish, meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, milk and dairy.

How much vitamin B12 should my child be getting?

The average recommended amounts, measured in micrograms (mcg), vary by age: (3)

  • Babies up to age 6 months: 0.4 mcg
  • Babies age 7-12 months: 0.5 mcg
  • Children age 1-3 years: 0.9 mcg
  • Children age 4-8 years: 1.2 mcg
  • Children age 9-13 years: 1.8 mcg
  • Teenagers age 14-18: 2.4 mcg

Haliborange Multivitamin Softies contain 2.5 mcg of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 deficiency in children

A vitamin B12 deficiency in children will often present itself with non-specific symptoms such as developmental delays, irritability, lack of appetite, anaemia and weakness. A doctor can test the vitamin B12 status of a person via a blood test. Vitamin B12 deficiencies can be due to lack of the vitamin in the diet or that the vitamin is not being properly absorbed.

How is vitamin B12 absorbed?

Whilst many people consume the recommended daily allowance, malabsorption of vitamin B12 may cause a deficiency. Before your body can absorb the vitamin B12 you get from food, it must be separated from its attached protein. This happens in your stomach and depends on stomach acid and digestive enzymes that work in your stomach.

Vitamins for Growth

Vitamins in general play an essential part in the healthy development of a child and growth depends on a steady supply of all the vitamins. One study concluded that poor vitamin B12 status contributes to poor growth(4).

If you are looking for a children’s vitamin B12 supplement try Haliborange Multivitamin Softies for kids 3-12 years

How to support your children’s immune system

The change in seasons can often herald the ‘cold’ season for our children with runny noses, coughing, sneezing and scratchy throats. So, during Autumn and Winter we can prepare and support our children’s immune system.

Build in plenty of outdoor playtime

As the weather continues to cool down, we tend to spend more time indoors. Spending more time indoors allows those germs to spread more easily, so don’t forget to enjoy the winter sunshine and enjoy those outdoor play days. Sunshine still helps our bodies produce vitamin D, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

Eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables

Many vitamins and minerals will help with our kid’s immune system. Fruits such as berries and citrus fruit contain vitamin C which contributes to normal immune function. Carrots contain beta-carotene which can be converted in the body into vitamin A, which is another vitamin that helps. Dark leafy greens like spinach contain good levels of folate which has an importance in immune support. So, remember to give your child his or her five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

The all-important B-vitamins

Besides folate, both vitamins B12 and B6 contribute to normal function of the immune system. Meat and fish are generally the best sources of these B vitamins, although dairy products will provide amounts of them and many breakfast cereals are fortified with these vitamins.

Minerals build immunity

The minerals zinc, selenium, iron and copper all help your child’s immune system. Besides meat and fish being good sources, other foods to include in the diet are wholegrains, beans, lentils, seeds and nuts.

Clean hands

Make sure your children wash their hands often, with soap. You should pay particular attention to their hygiene before and after each meal and after playing outside, handling pets, blowing their nose, using the toilet, and arriving home from school.

A good night’s sleep

Make sure that your child gets plenty of good quality sleep. Remove televisions, computers and mobile phones from the bedroom, and encourage a good period of winding-down before lights out to help ensure your child gets a good night’s sleep.

Haliborange Vitamin C kid’s Immune Support Softies can be a useful way to top up your child’s diet with Vitamin C.