A guide can help you discover the relevant nutrient information for each vitamin or mineral and how it can benefit your child
Vitamins are essential substances that cannot be manufactured by the body and we need small amounts of vitamins for growth and development. Plenty of foods naturally contain vitamins but it is not always easy to get all the nutrients we need from diet alone. This guide can help you discover the relevant nutrient information for each vitamin or mineral and how it can benefit your child.
Vitamin A helps support healthy eyes
What is vitamin A?
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and is stored in the liver. It can be taken into the body in two forms:
The key functions of Vitamin A include:
Why is vitamin A important to children’s health?
When children do not eat enough dairy, eggs or oily fish they run the risk of having low intakes of Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to maintain healthy skin and vision as well as a healthy immune system.
Vitamin B6 contributes to the release of energy from food
What is vitamin B6?
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) actually comes as a group of compounds that are converted into their most active form in the body, this is called pyridoxine. B6 is water soluble and therefore a constant supply from the diet is required as the body does not keep long term stores.
Good sources of B6 include:
whole-grains, turkey, lentils and liver, oily fish, soy products, nuts, egg yolk and dark green leafy vegetables.
The key functions of Vitamin B6 are:
Why vitamin B6 is important to children’s health?
Vitamin B6 contributes to the release of energy from food and is important for the production of red blood cells in your body. It can also help normal energy yielding metabolism and be important in maintaining a healthy immune system
Vitamin B12 contributes to the release of energy from food
What is vitamin B12?
B12 (cobalamin), although water soluble, can be stored by the body.
Good sources of B6 include:
animal derived foods: oily fish, eggs, oysters, tuna, cottage cheese, turkey and chicken. There are no naturally occurring vegetable sources of B12 therefore vegetarians and in particular vegans may benefit from a B12 supplement.
The key functions of Vitamin B12 are:
Why vitamin B12 is important to children’s health?
Vitamin B12 contributes to the release of energy from food and is important for a healthy nervous system. It can also help normal energy yielding metabolism and be important in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Vitamin C helps support a healthy immune system
What is vitamin C
Vitamin C is widely known to have a wealth of health benefits, and is available to some degree in most fruit and vegetables.
Good sources of Vitamin C include: blackcurrants, oranges, strawberries, green peppers, broccoli and kiwi fruit.
Care should be taken when cooking and storing foods however, as vitamin C can easily be destroyed by heat, light or oxyegn. Vitamin C is water soluble and needs to be replenished regularly therefore it is vital to ensure a constant supply through your diet.
The key functions of Vitamin C are:
Why vitamin C is important to children’s health?
When children do not eat enough fruit and vegetables they run the risk of having low levels of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is important in maintaining a healthy immune system which is important for children all year round.
Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of healthy bones and teeth
What is vitamin D
Vitamin D is also known as calciferol
Good sources of Vitamin D:
Our body produces vitamin D in the summer months from the action of sunlight on our skin. It is also available from foods including oily fish (herrings, sardines, trout, mackerel) and eggs. Fortified foods are a good source including low fat spreads and breakfast cereals, soya products, although be careful – these are often processed.
The key functions of Vitamin D are:
Why vitamin D is important to children’s health?
It is recommended children are exposed to 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine several times a week to obtain the recommended intake of vitamin D. This is not always easy in the winter months, especially as there are limited food sources. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and is therefore needed for normal growth and development of bones in children.
Omega 3 helps support healthy brain function
What is Omega 3
Oil from fish contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both are Omega-3 fatty acids which help maintain healthy triglyceride levels.*
*2-4mg DHA
Good sources of omega 3 include: mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, sablefish (black cod), anchovies, albacore tuna and wild game. Omega 3 fish oils are also formulated to contain high levels of EPA and DHA
Fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil help to balance omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oils
The key functions of Omega 3 are:
Why Omega 3 is important to children’s health?
While both EPA and DHA are important for good health, it is DHA particularly which is thought to be important. Many of our everyday foods such as milk and margarines have been fortified with Omega-3 but at much lower levels. Research has shown that eating 250mg DHA as part of a healthy lifestyle contributes to normal brain function.
Calcium is required for normal bone growth and development in children
Calcium is an essential mineral most strongly associated with bone health and 99% of the body’s Calcium is found in bones and teeth. Good sources of Calcium include: dairy products (Note: many people are intolerant to dairy products and they are high in saturated fats), kale, tofu, sardines (when soft, edible bones are consumed), seaweed, figs, sesame seeds, prunes, parsley, pumpkin seeds and almonds.
Calcium absorption is dependent on the presence of Vitamin D. Calcium levels in the blood are carefully controlled and the body uses the stores of calcium in the bone as a bank.
The key functions of Calcium are:
Why calcium is important for children’s health?
Milk and other calcium-rich foods have always been a must-have in kids’ diets. From an early age, we are required to eat three servings of dairy every day to give us strong bones and teeth. During childhood and adolescence, the body uses the mineral calcium to build strong bones for later life.
Vitamin E provides antioxidant protection of body tissues
What is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is fat soluble and widely available in common foods. It is measured in both international units and milligrams, but do not be alarmed, they are measuring the same actual chemical. The vitamin E content of foods is significantly reduced by freezing, heating and some food processing.
Good sources of Vitamin E include:
nuts and seeds, oily fish, unrefined corn oil, avocado and wheat germ oil.
The key functions of Vitamin E are:
Why is Vitamin E is important for children’s health
Small amounts of Vitamin E are needed to maintain good health. This vitamin can be important in providing antioxidant protection of body tissues.
Zinc helps support a healthy immune system
What is Zinc?
Zinc is found in every cell of the body, adequate levels of zinc are essential for good health.
Good sources of Zinc include:
Oysters, beef, crab, sardines, pumpkin and sesame seeds, eggs and cheese.
The key functions of Zinc are:
Why is Zinc important for children’s health?
This mineral is important in maintaining general good health and for keeping the immune system strong.
Iron supports energy metabolism
What is Iron?
Iron is an essential mineral.
Good sources of iron include:
liver, meat, shellfish, soya, egg yolk, dried apricots, nuts and dark green leafy vegetables.
The main functions of iron in the body are:
Why Iron is important to children’s health?
Iron can be particularly important for babies, toddlers and young children, because their increased needs for iron may not be met if their diet is not balanced. Iron helps the body release energy and helps maintain general good health.*
*Iron taken in excess may be harmful to very young children.
Going back to school often means being exposed to a new set of germs, especially if your child is moving into a new school or will have new class mates. This can mean the start of the colds, coughs and tummy bugs. There are a few things we can do in order to help our children’s immune system cope with all of the new challenges.
One of the most important aspects to staying well is having optimal nutrition intake. There are many vitamins and minerals that your child’s immune system cannot function without and are needed in order to maintain normal immune function. These are vitamin A, C, D, folate, B6, B12, Zinc, Iron and Selenium. All of these can be found in foods, so eating a healthy balanced diet is essential.
It is also a good idea to add in a kid’s multi-vitamin each day, especially for fussy eaters to ensure that your child’s nutrition base is covered.
Refined sugar and refined foods can cause a spike in blood sugar. Constant spiking of blood sugar can cause stress to the immune system, leaving our children more likely to suffer from colds and infections. Help your child to become excited about healthy eating by involving them in the cooking and meal planning.
Stress can cause a decrease in children’s immune system function. Although as adults we may not necessary see what there is for a child to be stressed about, it is fairly common for children to experience stress. This can come from exams and peer pressure, and can cause a considerable effect on our children. It is really important that our children learn how to relax, and to enjoy activities that are therapeutic such as playing outside and craft. It is a good idea to frequently talk to children about their worries and concerns, so that you can help them if required.
Being outside in nature has shown to reduce stress levels and help to keep our immune system strong*. This is to do with the natural chemicals that plants emit called Phytoncide. Being exposed to the sun has the added benefit of increasing vitamin D levels, needed to support your kid’s immune system.
This is an interesting topic. We need to allow or children to play in dirt to allow their immune systems to be challenged in appropriate ways. We also need to teach them hygiene to help protect them from becoming sick. Not putting hands in mouths and washing hands well before eating can help to stop the spread of colds, coughs, stomach bugs and worms.
Haliborange has a range of kid’s multivitamins. Try Strawberry flavour Softies for kids aged 3 – 12 years:
A fish oil is a source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are known as “essential” fatty acids. The term “essential” means that they can’t be made in sufficient amounts by our body so we have to get them from our diet as they are vital for health. The two most important types of Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oils are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). These are only ever known as DHA and EPA so don’t worry about the long names!
Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil have a wide range of health benefits. The benefits are numerous but here are our top 5:
Oily fish are incredibly rich in Omega 3 EPA and DHA. Oily fish include:
The Government recommends that all children consume one 140g portion of oily fish every week.
Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin as it is known is important for immune system, bone health and the health of our teeth. It is found in supplements in two different forms; one form is vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and the other is vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). People often want to know the differences between D2 and D3. So, which one is best?
It’s vitamin D3 that is found in the skin, after sunshine converts cholesterol into the pre-vitamin cholecalciferol. It is this vitamin D that is found in egg yolks, oily fish, some fortified foods and some supplements.
Vitamin D2 can be found in supplements and comes from plant and/or fungal sources such as mushrooms.
So, vitamin D3 is the form naturally found in the body, and as a supplement is normally manufactured from lanolin which is sourced from sheep’s wool. Vegan supplements contain the D2 version of the vitamin.
Both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are converted by the liver to a third form of vitamin D, known as 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D (calcidiol). This is still not the active form, but the form of vitamin D that can be measured by a blood test to calculate your levels. It has been scientifically shown that vitamin D3 increases levels of calcidiol more efficiently that vitamin D2(1).
It is the kidneys that convert 25-hydroxyvitamin D into its active form, 1,25 hydroxy vitamin D. This active form of vitamin D binds with the receptor on the genes to switch on different activities within the body. Vitamin D has been found to influence over 200 genes emphasising the importance of vitamin D for health.
If there are no issues for you taking a product derived from an animal source, always choose a vitamin D supplement that contains vitamin D in the D3 (cholecalciferol) form as this has been shown to be more efficient in being converted to its active form within the body.
If you are looking for a children’s vitamin D supplement try Haliborange children’s multivitamin Softies
A commonly asked question by new mothers is do babies need vitamins? There is so much conflicting advice on this on the internet that it’s hard for parents to know what to believe! One thing for sure is that Parents just want to get it right. So, let’s have a look at the science, and the facts about baby vitamins.
RDA – Recommended daily allowance or Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) is something most people will be familiar with. It is the minimum amount of vitamins and minerals that the average, healthy person needs each day to avoid deficiency symptoms. The problem is that every baby is original and not average. And even more pressing is the fact that babies may be deficient in vitamins and minerals long before they develop symptoms. We cannot expect our babies to only receive the RDA of nutrients and thrive, they need much more in order for them to grow and develop to their full potential.
The current UK recommendation of fruit and vegetables for your baby is 5 per day. Although nutrition and health experts agree that a minimum of 7-9 portions per day is needed. The government kept the current recommendation at 5 portions however. Obviously, a baby portion is going to be much smaller than an adult portion (one adult portion = one hand full and one baby/child portion is one of their hands full). It can be hard to ensure that children have all the nutrients they need. As well as encouraging a healthy diet, giving baby vitamins can help to keep your baby well by meeting their nutrition needs.
Most baby foods are cooked, making them easier to mash and puree and therefore swallow. A diet that is mostly cooked poses another problem. Many nutrients are destroyed with the heating process, particularly B vitamins and vitamin C. In an ideal world, humans would consume at least 50% of their foods raw in order to receive this nutrition. However, this is very difficult for babies, and therefore we must ensure that they are getting these vitamins from another source – baby vitamins. Vitamins are essential for your baby’s growth, development and health.
So, adding in extra baby vitamins can often be advisable.
When weaning begins, try one or two portions of fruit and veg and gradually increase as they begin to take more sold foods. Any vegetables are fine. For finger food, start with softer vegetables such as cucumbers (you may need to remove the peel) or cooked carrots. You can then gradually move onto harder vegetables as your baby get used to chewing their food. Try to offer your baby a variety of fruit and veg to ensure a wide range of nutrients. Offer a “rainbow” of food to help obtain all those nutrients.
Babies and young children need more nutrition per kg of body weight than adults do. This is because they are growing and developing at a rapid rate. This means, that babies need even more nutrient dense foods that adults do. When we consider the amount of cooked and packaged foods that babies typically consume, then you may want to consider giving your little one’s baby vitamins. As the famous saying goes ‘it is much easier to grow healthy children that to fix broken adults’, and it starts with good nutrition!
A top tip is to always make sure that you are giving a supplement that is designed specifically for the age of your baby or child. This is to make sure that your child is getting the right amount of nutrients needed for their age. Also make sure it is a reputable and well-known brand that you know and can trust.
Haliborange Baby & Toddler Orange Liquid from 1 month+ is a good option.
Everyone knows that as soon as your child goes to school, they seem to come into contact with every single bug there is! One of the best important ways to ward off those annoying colds and flu symptoms is to make sure your child’s immune system is working efficiently. While you can’t shield your child from every single bug around, there are some top tips you can follow to help them fight off as many as possible.
It all starts with a healthy diet. Make sure your child is getting a varied diet which includes plenty of fresh, whole foods including fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, good fats and lean proteins. Many nutrients help our children’s health but we know that Vitamin D and Vitamin C are especially important for having supporting the immune system. Try to include immune boosting foods which contains these nutrients such as eggs, oily fish, dark green leafy vegetables and berries – delicious and healthy! Also make sure your child is getting outside enough. This is to give them a chance of catching some of the sun’s rays to help manufacture Vitamin D. We are only able to make vitamin D from the action of sunlight during the months of April to September.
Sugar has been known to cause a problem with our immune system (1). To help keep your child’s immune system up and running, try to limit their intake of sugar and sugar containing foods such as ready meals and confectionary. If you are worried that your child might not be getting all their nutrients from their diet, you can offer them a tasty Vitamin C for kids supplement or a children’s immune support supplement.
Depending on their age, children need between 10 – 14 hours sleep. Many children aren’t getting enough. Lack of sleep can lower a child’s immune system leaving them more open to being affected by germs and bacteria (2). When children are overtired and overstimulated, they find it difficult to get to sleep. Try to give them at least an hour before bedtime with no TV or computers etc. This can be a quiet time for reading which will help get them in the mood for sleep.
We tend to think that stress is only something that adults suffer from. We now know that children can often be stressed too. Children’s bodies have the same response to stress that adults bodies do – this means that elevated stress hormones can lower the immune response (3). Yoga and meditation is now very popular now and could be something to consider if you think your child is stressed.
Exercise is helpful for a good immune system (4). Regular and moderate exercise is to be encouraged not only for the immune system for general overall good health as well. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise every day and make it fun for your child. Skipping, playing football, running around, playing tag and cycling are all types of exercise that can be fun for the child yet still be good quality exercise.
Make sure your child (and you) laugh every day! It’s thought that laughter may actually increase certain cells which help our immune system (5)! Laughter also reduces stress and increases feel-good hormones called endorphins. Have fun!
Calcium is a mineral that is essential for children’s health. It is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and is most known for being needed for normal bones and teeth in children, where it forms to majority of the bone and tooth matrix. However, its requirement for health goes far beyond just bones and teeth. Calcium is also needed for normal blood clotting, energy yielding metabolism, muscle function, neurotransmission (the communication between nerves) and for the function of digestive enzymes. When we look at the list of functions that calcium has in the body, it relates to nearly every body system. Calcium works with vitamin D. Children need vitamin D in order to absorb and utilise calcium within the body.
Good sources of calcium are:
It can be hard to get enough calcium rich foods into a child each day, especially when there are allergies and intolerance preventing the consumption of dairy products, and typical child fussiness with foods. Some foods are fortified with calcium, however these are usually overly processed foods which shouldn’t make up a significant portion of your child’s diet.
The UK recommended daily kid’s calcium intake is as follows:*
Age 1-3 years – 350mg
Age 4-6 years – 450mg
Age 7 – 10 – 550mg
Age 11-18 (boys) – 1000mg
Age 11-18 (girls) 800mg
The recommended amount of calcium for kids can be hard to obtain, particularly if a child is fussy or has a poor appetite. Any calcium consumed must be paired with enough vitamin D for your child’s body to effectively process it.
Should you be concerned about a child’s calcium intake through food, you may want to consider a children’s calcium supplement. Calcium supplementation can play a very important role in children’s health and can help top up a healthy diet. A sign of a good calcium supplement is one that contains vitamin D as well. Vitamin D is created in the skin in response to direct sunlight, and is often found to be in inadequate levels in the UK population.
Vitamin D is known as the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’, and that’s because our bodies are able to produce it by the action of sunlight containing UVB radiation on certain chemicals within the skin.
Vitamin D is important for children for the following:
So, growing children need vitamin D – it is important for kid’s health.
Most of the UK is positioned above 50° north of the Earth’s Equator. It was calculated that the latitudes beneath 37°N, UVB radiation was sufficient for all-round vitamin D production(1), so in the UK, sunlight-induced vitamin D synthesis is only effective between late March/early April and September and not from October onwards throughout the Winter months.
Besides latitude, exposure of skin to UVB radiation is influenced by many factors; these include time of day, season, altitude, cloud cover, air pollution, clothing and sunscreen use.
A scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition report(2) found evidence that the risk of poor musculoskeletal health is increased when a person has blood levels of less than 25nmol/l of vitamin D. People in the UK were found to have lower levels of vitamin D in the winter than in the summer, with up to 40% having winter levels lower than 25nmol/l.
As we can’t rely on the sun so that our children can make vitamin D, we can make sure that we include some vitamin D rich foods in their diets. Good sources include:
The latest advice from Public Health England(3) is that everyone over the age of one should be taking a daily supplement of 10 mcg (400 iu) of vitamin D, particularly during autumn and winter.
If you are looking for a children’s vitamin D supplement Haliborange Calcium and Vitamin D Softies contain 100% of the Nutrient Reference Value (NRV)
We all want to support our kid’s health and ensure our children are vibrant and healthy, but children will inevitably get sick at times. It is virtually impossible to germproof your child, as germs are abundant everywhere, especially at school! Being exposed to germs is a part of life, and exposure to these different viruses and bacteria can strengthen children’s immune system.
When working properly, the immune system fights disease producing bacteria and viruses, and exposure to them does not necessarily mean that your child will get sick. However, a child with a weakened immune system is vulnerable to colds, flu, and more serious illnesses.
If your child is overly susceptible to illness, you may want to take steps to enhance his or her immune system and make it as strong as possible. Prevention is the way to avoid trips to the doctors and prescribed medications.
However, when your child is ill, here are some tips to follow:
A strong, healthy immune system can help ward off these niggly germs and avoid trips to the doctor’s surgery, so how can you ensure that your children’s immune system is in tip-top shape this winter?
Mental health is not as openly discussed as it should be, especially when it comes to children. The truth is, the same mental health issues that affect adults can also affect children. As parents, we have a job to safeguard our children, which includes safe guarding their mental health.
There are many issues surrounding mental health which range from depression to schizophrenia, and they may all have different causes and triggers. Some mental health conditions have a genetic role, some are caused or triggered by situations around them and some are caused or triggered by biochemical imbalances in the brain.
When the cause or trigger is simply biochemical, it is essential to ensure that your child is consuming enough nutrients to create the correct neurotransmitters and hormones. Hormones such as serotonin, otherwise known as the happy hormone is made from the amino acid L-tryptophan. This is created in the gut, and then transported to the brain with insulin. This means, that in order for your child’s body to be able to produce this happy hormone, they need to be consuming enough protein and complex carbohydrates at regular intervals. A mix of both is recommended every 2-3 hours.
Another major nutrient for the brain is omega 3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are stored in the brain and are necessary for normal brain function. Ways to increase Omega-3 fatty acids are through eating oily fish like sardines, mackerel and salmon and topping up with a kid’s Omega-3 supplement.
Environmental stress can play a large part in poor mental health. Stress at school such as exams, bullying or peer pressure can all mount up. Remember that bullying and peer pressure doesn’t always have to be in person, it can be cyber as well. It’s important that you take steps to safeguard your child online such as ensuring that the computer they are using is in the family environment and not in their room. We should teach our child about online bullying and pressure and create a trust where they can disclose any issues to you or another adult. It is a great idea to limit the online time that your child has, and encourage them to get outside and exercise instead.
Exercise promotes the production of endorphins and feel good hormones and is regularly recommended by Doctors for low moods and depression. Even better is doing exercise outside. The sun exposure increases vitamin D levels, and plant extracts which when breathed in reduce the level of stress hormones in our bodies. Vitamin D is also beneficial for the immune system. Try signing your child up for an outdoor activity where they can meet other children their age. Good options include tennis, football, sailing, cricket or athletics.
The most important thing is for your child to know that they can talk to you if there is a problem without the fear of them being judged. If you do suspect mental health issues, then your GP should be informed so everyone can work together for their benefit.
Haliborange children’s Omega-3 supplements come in a delicious tasting orange syrup or in a chew to make them more fun for children to take.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients and are present in every cell of the human body. Two Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are found in oily fish, but another form of Omega-3, ALA is found in plant foods like nuts and seeds and is converted into EPA and DHA in the body.
The Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, help support normal brain function, vision and heart function*. That is why the Government recommends eating at least two portions of fish per week, including one of oily fish, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.
Although oily fish contain some of the highest levels of Omega-3, there are other sources to include which will be good for children’s health. Here are some you can try:
1. Mackerel. Mackerel are small oily fish that contains around 2760mg of Omega-3 per serving (1). It is rich in vitamin B12 and selenium as well.
2. Salmon. Salmon is a fish that can be cooked fresh as well as being available in cans. It is a high-quality protein food, that contains around 4000mg of Omega-3 per serving, and is high in B-vitamins, selenium and potassium (2).
3. Herring. Herring is an oily fish that is often smoked and sold as “kippers”. Scandinavian countries like to pickle them and serve them as “rollmops”. A kippered herring typically contains 2385mg of Omega-3 per 100g and is a rich source of vitamin D (3).
4. Sardines. A favourite fish on the barbeque in the Mediterranean countries, they are commonly eaten out of tins. A serving of tinned sardines contains roughly 2200mg of Omega-3 (4).
5. Anchovies. These are tiny fish that are usually eaten in very small portions, such as pizza or salad toppings. They have a strong flavour and are a rich source of calcium.
6. Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds are small brown or yellow seeds, which are often ground, milled or used to make oil. They can be added to cereals, soups or smoothies. These seeds are the richest whole food source of the Omega-3 fatty acid, ALA. They are high in fibre, and a good source of vitamin E and magnesium.
7. Chia seeds. Chia seeds are high in protein, fibre, manganese and calcium. They are served sprinkled on cereals or in smoothies, or they can be soaked overnight and served with fresh fruit. A serving contains around 4900mg of Omega-3 ALA.
8. Walnuts. A nutritious nut that is high in fibre and vitamin E. They can be eaten as a snack, or added to your morning bowl of oats.
If you have a child who is a fussy eater or doesn’t like oily fish, you can always choose to give them a fish oil supplement to top up their diet. If you decide to do this, make sure you give them one designed specifically for children.
Haliborange children’s Omega-3 supplements come in a delicious tasting orange syrup or in a chew to make them more enjoyable for children to take.
Try Omega-3 DHA Brain Support Syrup
or Omega 3 DHA Brain Support Bursts
* The beneficial effect for the heart is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg EPA/DHA. The beneficial effect for brain and vision is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg DHA.